Course Content
[01] NodeJS tanlovi
[02-1] NodeJS va Git install qilamiz (Macos)
[02-2] NodeJS va Git install qilamiz (Windows)
[03] Modullar - Core Module
[04] Modullar - External Module
[05] Modullar - File Module
[06] Express framework va bu framework orqali web server quramiz
[07] EJS framework orqali ananaviy frontend quramiz
[08] EJS Frameworkda Portfolia publishing qilamiz
[09] NodeJS event loop va Callback functionlarni o'rganamiz
[10] Asynchronous functionlarni qo'llash
[11] MongoDB atlasni sozlaymiz va Reja databaseni hosil qilamiz
[01] ExpressJS va Git shakllanntirib olamiz
[02] Loyiha muhitini (.env) qurish
[03] Routerlar
[04] Member - Controller
[05] Member - Mongoose va schema model
[06] Member - Service model (signup, login)
[07] Auth- Bcrypt Password hash qilamiz
[08] Auth - Web Server va Authentications
[09] EJS - loyihamizga start beramiz
[10] Auth - Session authentication
[11] Product - Controller
[12] Product - Schema model hosil qilamiz
[13] Product - Service model hosil (addNewProduct, updateChosenProduct)
[14] Product - Service model hosil (getAllProducts of the restaurant)
[15] EJS - Main page, Router va AnimaJS
[16] EJS - Login page publish
[17] EJS - Login page develop
[18] EJS - Signup page publish
[19] EJS - Signup page develop
[20] EJS - MyRestaurant page development birinchi qism
[21] EJS - MyRestaurant page development ikkinchi qism
[22] EJS - Admin AllRestaurants control page publish
[23] EJS - Admin AllRestaurants control page (restaurant list management)
[01] React app install qilamiz (REACT)
[02] Material UI haqida va uni integratsiyasi (REACT)
[03] React Router Dom orqali routingni amalga oshiramiz (REACT)
[04] Headerlar & Navbar develop qilamiz (REACT)
[05] Footer develop qilamiz (REACT)
[06] HomePage - bosh sahifasini publish qilamiz Part 1 (REACT)
[07] HomePage - bosh sahifasini publish qilamiz Part 2 (REACT)
[08] RestaurantPage - Barcha restaurantlar sahifasini publish qilamiz (REACT)
[09] RestaurantPage - Tanlangan Restaurant sahifasini publish qilamiz (REACT)
[10] RestaurantPage - Tanlangan Taom sahifasini publish qilamiz (REACT)
[11] OrdersPage - Buyurtmalar sahifasini publish qilamiz (REACT)
[12] CommunityPage - Jamiyat sahifasini publish qilamiz (REACT)
[13] MemberPage - Mening sahifam publish qilamiz (REACT)
[14] MemberPage - Boshqa foydalanuvchilar sahifasini publish qilamiz (REACT)
[15] HelpPage - Yordam sahifasini publish qilamiz (REACT)
[16] member - oddiy memberlarni signup va login jarayoni Token auth orqali (NodeJS)
[17] member - getChosenMember Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[18] product - getAllProducts Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[19] product - getChosenProduct Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[20] restaurant - getRestaurants Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[21] restaurant - getChosenRestaurant Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[22] order - createOrder Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[23] order - getMyOrders Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[24] order - editChosenOrder Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[25] community - createArticle Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[26] community - community getMemberArticles Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[27] community - community getArticles Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[28] community - community getChosenArticle Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[29] follow - follow subscribe Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[30] follow - follow unsubscribe Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[31] follow - follow getMemberFollowings Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[32] follow - follow getMemberFollowers Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[33] member - member likeMemberChosen Rest Api quramiz (NodeJS)
[34] useState va useEffect React Hooklari xaqida (REACT)
[35] TypeScript va Redux architecture haqida (REACT)
[36] HomePage - Bosh sahifasining redux storageni quramiz (REACT)
[37] HomePage - Backenddan ma'lumot chaqirish va bosh sahifani qurish (REACT)
[38] Authentications (Signup, Login) & Like process handlers (REACT)
[39] RestaurantPage - RestaurantPage redux storageni quramiz (REACT)
[40] RestaurantPage - Backenddan ma'lumot chaqirish va RestaurantPage sahifani qurish (REACT)
[41] OrdersPage - OrdersPage redux storageni quramiz (REACT)
[42] OrdersPage - Basket va OrdersPage sahifani quramiz Part 1 (REACT)
[43] OrdersPage - Basket va OrdersPage sahifani quramiz Part 2 (REACT)
[44] CommunityPage - CommunityPage redux storageni quramiz (REACT)
[45] CommunityPage - Backenddan ma'lumot chaqirish va CommunityPage sahifani qurish (REACT)
[46] MemberPage - Bosh sahifasining redux storageni quramiz (REACT)
[47] MemberPage - Backenddan ma'lumot chaqirish va VisitMyPage sahifani qurish (REACT)
[48] MemberPage - Boshqa memberlar sahifasini develop qilish (REACT)
[49] MemberPage - My settings develop qilish (NodeJS & REACT)
[50] Backend serverda socket IOni quramiz (NodeJS)
[51] CommunityPage - Frontendda chatting qurish (REACT)
[01] Host Server bilan ishlash & VPS ornatamiz
[02] Serverga nvm, node, pm2 install qilamiz
[03] VPS control qilish va Firewall serverga o'rnatamiz
[04] React & Backend loyihamizni PM2 orqali deploy qilamiz Part 1
[05] React & Backend loyihamizni PM2 orqali deploy qilamiz Part 2
[06] Dockerization - Dockerfile & Docker Image & Docker Containerlar
[07] Papay backend loyihamizni Docker Containerda debloy qilamiz & Grafana
[08] NGINX organamiz & Loyihamizni bilan DNS integration
[09] Keyingi qadamlar
8 Parts • 115 lessons
Expand All Sections
1-Bolim:Kurs bilan tanishtiruv va ushbu bootcampda nimalarni organasiz
2-Bolim:Javascriptni birga organamiz
3-Bolim:Backend NodeJS asoslari
4-Bolim:Reja web server loyihasini birga quramiz
5-Bolim:Proyekt qurish bosqichlari: Food delivery loyihasini misolida
6-Bolim:Food delivery Adminka loyihasi
7-Bolim:Food delivery Papays React loyihasi
8-Bolim:Yakuniy bosqich: Loyihani Deploy qilamiz